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Home Care or Care Home?

A staggering 97% of people in the UK don’t want to go into a care home if they become ill or less able to cope and nearly three quarters of us want to stay in our own homes as we get older.

At Minster Home Care, we believe that home care is the best option. It is proven to be generally better for your health and wellbeing and also often costs less too.

What are the benefits of home care?

Better for health and independence

Home care is proven to be beneficial for health and well-being. Numerous studies show that people who receive home care are generally happier and have a reduced number of hospital admissions as opposed to those who are admitted into care homes.

Minster Home Care carers will slot into your daily lifestyle. We support personal preferences and regular routines, including taking you for trips out and tailoring your mealtime choices.

More cost-effective

It is fairly well-known that living in a care home is a relatively expensive endeavour. It can cost a lot of money to move into residential care which is another burden that you and your family shouldn’t have to live with.

Additionally, live-in-care allows couples to remain living together, which can also mean cost benefits as one carer can often support the needs of both.

No hard goodbyes

Home Care means that you can regularly see your loved ones just as you usually would, without having to schedule visits. It also means that your friends and family don’t have to take on the caring role, so you can concentrate on spending quality time with the people you love.

Moving out of your home can even more difficult if it means you have to leave your beloved pets. They provide a source of comfort and companionship and we believe in the power of pets to boost moods and wellbeing. Live-in-care enables you to keep your pets by your side, so you don’t have to say goodbye.

Are care homes a viable alternative?

The 24/7 care on offer in a care home can be appealing, with the staff on-hand to deliver care around the clock. However, the benefits of a care home are often outweighed by the restrictions in place at many care homes. The majority of care homes have strict rules in place which can negatively affect the freedom of a lot of residents. Most do not allow couples to live together in the same room or allow pets to move into the care home with you and for a lot of people, this can have a serious effect on their mental health.

A number of studies have shown that for some people, a move into unfamiliar surroundings can cause stress and a decline in health. Some studies state that a person has a higher risk of mortality within 12 months of their move into a residential home. There are several factors that contribute to this, the biggest one being the trauma from leaving a home you love and feel comfortable in.

Care homes can also be a very expensive option, particularly if you need long-term care. It is even more expensive if you have more complex care needs and need to live in a nursing home as they require support from professional nurses.

Why choose Minster Home Care?

Minster Home Care provides community home care that you can trust. We believe in the importance of staying in your own home and we provide the best quality of care to make that happen for you. We offer bespoke, one-to-one support for our clients, ensuring that whether you require live-in or weekly care, you are taken care of by our exceptional care team.

If you have any questions or are interested in any of our services, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us. One of our care team will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

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